Monday, January 25, 2010

Mutant Chronicles

My husband was interested to see this movie. Its a straight to DVD movie. It was a little low budget, but it wasn't bad. The story was interesting, different. I really loved how the story was simple and stuff but they really made the characters deep, even if you only saw a character for 3 minutes and then he dies you still feel really sad and miss him/her because they made them real and awesome! A lot of movies these days try to have too much plot, expounded, explained, etc. Without actually drawing you to the characters. If someone dies you don't care. For example Stargate Universe. We love Stargate, and a little of Stargate Atlantis, but Universe :P sucks! They try to make the story good or whatever but I really didn't ever care about any of those people! I personally wouldn't care if they all just died and the story was over! I gave it a chance, I watched 5 episodes and it never got interesting/compelling to me. A episode would be over and I'd sit there staring at the screen wondering why I should give a damn about any of those people.
So, yes Mutant Chronicles was never in theaters, it never made millions, etc. But it was original, steam punk, which was cool, a different reality, and I actually cared about every single person even if that person was only alive for 2 minutes! And Thomas Jane was the main bad ass, he's awesome! And it made me want to watch Punisher again, that's a good show!

So, in Mutant Chronicles there is this machine that came to the Earth and turns humans into mutants that are mindless killing machines. In the end the ship takes off, which pissed me off because Hunter blew it up! For crying out loud! And now its just gonna crash on another planet and do the same thing! That pissed me off, but anyway, the rest was awesome! I actually enjoyed it, bloody like Space Ship Troopers; so that I didn't like. But, yeah, not all the good shows are at the theaters! Hee.

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